Monday, 29 October 2012


"To My UnMarried Sisters & Single Friends:

When a Godly suitor advices u like your dad does, respects u like Boaz to Ruth, listens & grants your good wishes like King Xerxes to Esther, hides u from a potential disgrace like Joseph to Mary, comforts & wipes away your tears like your mother to you, refuses to be racist/tribalistic like Moses to Zipporah, shares your moments of barrenness with u like Abraham to Sarah, Praises/Adores u like Solomon, Protects & fights for you like brothers to sisters, trust you as a best friend & confidant, privately, lovingly & gently tells you the truth when you are wrong, willingly waits for u like Jacob waited for Rachel, ...and above all, Loves you & forgives your past like Christ loves his Church & gave his life for us to be saved; When a man does or shows traits of these things, please say yes to this suitor & marry him. God bless you."

Monday, 22 October 2012

Pictures Of Gloriana Mendez!

I playfully walked into a photo room and tooks these pictures. Oh my God! Am i now an Indiana?Enjoy!

Mercy Akhere's Exclusive Wedding!

Hello friends...
Hmm... what can i say? It has really been an awesome month of October. Lots of activities lined up for me.
Saturday 20th of October was a memorable day for Muyiwa Sobowale and Mercy Akhere as they tied the Nuptial Knot @ Christ Embassy Isolo, Lagos
Excerpts are pictures of the Make Up i did. Enjoy!
Beautiful bride/bridesmaids

Beautiful bride/bridesmaids



Gloriana & Nora

Gloriana Mendez

Chidex(Nollywood actor)

The bride/groom
Happy Married Life Mr &Mrs Sobowale
With love from GLORIANA'S Make Up!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012 his heart before he touches your vagina. Get in his head before he gets in your bed & make him get down on one knee "BEFORE" you're bent down on both knees. Practice the art of getting "YOUR EMOTIONAL NEEDS" met before meeting his physical needs! Stop getting played. You are getting older & you should know the game by now.

Be Inspired!